Streamer p2p radio is file sharing/peer to peer software developed by Iain McLeod.
Streamerp2p is a small app for listening to and broadcasting internet radio. It uses p2p relaying to take most of the bandwidth load off the main server, so allowing unlimited listeners for virtually nothing. It's 'bittorrent for streams'.
* Listen to things the mainstream doesn't play.
* Be a bedroom DJ.
* Promote your band or label's music.
* Do chat shows, using skype to conference your presenters.
* Promote your favourite diety.
* Use it as an overflow for your when your shoutcast stream is full.
* stations list
* chat rooms
* player
* Winamp plugin for integration with shoutcast-type streams
* activex applet for embedding on web pages.
Do your podcast live, DJ to your friends/clan.